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faq e assistenza:

le risposte alle tuedomande

domande e risposte

faq and assistance:

the answersto your


Do you have questions?
In this section you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. These questions were asked by customers who needed assistance in purchasing or installing. If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to send us your question by filling out the contact form.

MyVirtuoso Home

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our smart home system MyVirtuoso Home.

MyVirtuoso Home

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our smart home system MyVirtuoso Home.

Thermostatic Head

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our Thermostatic Head.

Thermostatic Head

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our Thermostatic Head.


In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our MCEE.


In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our MCEE.

Smart Thermostat

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our Smart Thermostat.

Smart Thermostat

In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our Smart Thermostat.


In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our RTCA heat metering system.


In this section you will find all the most frequently asked questions regarding our RTCA heat metering system.


Sei un installatore?

Prezzi vantaggiosi
Prezzi vantaggiosi

Listino e scontistica dedicata ad installatori e partner.

Installazione veloce
Installazione veloce

Tutti i nostri prodotti sono semplici da installare e dotati di manuali esaustivi.


Il nostro team tecnico è a tua disposizione per aiutarti nella prima installazione.

Clienti soddisfatti
Clienti soddisfatti

Proponi i nostri prodotti ai tuoi clienti, ne saranno soddisfatti!

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Smartdhome Srl

V.le Longarone, 35
20058 Zibido San Giacomo (Mi)

800 020 346