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live your life,myvirtuoso home

takes care of your home


Buying a smart home system means entrusting your comfort to electronic devices. This is why it is important to choose a system that can be customized and that satisfies your every need.

What is MyVirtuoso Home?

MyVirtuoso Home allows you to enjoy your home in a way that was just not possible before. A few simple actions can allow you to take care of yourself and your family.


The wireless solution for smart home

MyVirtuoso Home is an automated wireless system that can create different scenarios which enable you to keep a constant check on your gas and electricity consumption, to maintain the perfect temperature in every room, and to control the lighting and all your electrically powered devices.

Buy MyVirtuoso Home online everywhere!

All MyVirtuoso Home devices can be purchased online through the most famous e-commerce sites.

You can find us on Amazon and Ebay as well as on our website ecodhome.com.


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Smartdhome Srl

V.le Longarone, 35
20058 Zibido San Giacomo (Mi)

800 020 346