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Thermostat for 2-pipe fan coil and 3-speed fan

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Termostato di zona per fancoil 2 tubi con regolazione ventola a 3 velocità e gestione valvola
Termostato di zona per fancoil 4 tubi con regolazione ventola a 3 velocità e gestione valvola
Termostato di zona per fancoil 4 tubi con regolazione ventola a 3 velocità e gestione valvola

The zone thermostat for fan coils with 3-speed fan adjustment is a highly reliable and practical device for optimal control of the fan coils and the fan. The device, equipped with a built-in temperature sensor, will automatically adjust the fan speed according to the detected ambient temperature.

SKU: 01335-1865-00
213,50 €
Sales price without tax 175,00 €
Tax amount 38,50 €
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