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Multi sensore 4 in 1
Multi sensore 4 in 1
Multi sensore 4 in 1_lato
Multi sensore 4 in 1_retro

The 4 in 1 Multisensor is the perfect solution for the comfort of your home. An elegant and modern device that will keep track of 4 different information: movement, temperature, humidity and brightness.

SKU: 01335-1902-00
62,22 €
Sales price without tax 51,00 €
Tax amount 11,22 €
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Do you need more information? Download the documentation available below.

4 in 1 Multisensor Manual 01335-1902-00

The 4 in 1 Multisensor is an elegant and modern one that will keep track of 4 different information: movement, temperature, humidity and brightness.

4 in 1 Multisensor datasheet 01335-1902-00

DATASHEET. Multisensor 4 in 1 is the perfect solution for yout home comfort. This small device is able to keet track of four different information: movement, temperature,


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