
PVC bed mat with NO / NC output

Tappetino in PVC con uscita N/A e N/C per sensore per contatti
Tappetino in PVC con uscita N/A e N/C per sensore per contatti
The PVC mat with N/A and N/C output is a device designed to indicate the presence of a person on the surface on which it is installed.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
61,00 €
Sales price 61,00 €
Sales price without tax 50,00 €
Tax amount 11,00 €

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User Manual PVC bed mat with NO / NC output (01335-5000-00)

The PVC mat with N/A and N/C output is a device designed to indicate the presence of a person on the installed surface. Connected to an N/A and N/C contact sensor, it communicates data to the


Thecnical Notes - PVC bed mat with NO / NC output (01335-5000-00)

Technical Notes - The PVC mat with N/A and N/C output is a device designed to indicate the presence of a person on the surface on which the device is installed. Connected to a sensor for N/A



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